We – EPG Group the biggest gearbox & motors , couplings and gears factory in China with 5 different branches. For more details: Mobile/whatsapp/telegram/Kakao us at: 0086~13083988828 13858117778083988828
we ept Knowledge Having worked closely with our customers, EPG ’s staff have amassed a wealth of knowledge of ept specific applications and requirements, ensuring the right product for the process. nmrv50 gearbox supply motovario nmrv gearbox chromed bar and tubes for hydualic and pheumatic cylinders, pto shaft, agricultural gearboxes etc.
The use of original equipment manufacturer’s (OEM) part numbers or trademarks , e.g. CASE® and John Deere® are for reference purposes only and for indicating product use and compatibility. Our company and the listed replacement parts contained herein are not sponsored, approved, or manufactured by the OEM.