Double Guard Chain (WG)

Steel chain approaching stainless steel chain in corrosion resistance
Double Guard Chain is extremely corrosion resistant with coating of double layers of two various resources. In comparison to the High-Guard Chain, it exhibits almost doubled corrosion resistance from the salt water spray test, and might be used in mild alkaline and mild acidic ailments.
?With its improved corrosion resistance, it might be used in conditions wherever High-Guard or Rustless Chains cannot be employed, and in some cases in some conditions wherever only stainless steel can be employed.
?The coating consists of environmentally pleasant non-chrome materials. To comply with all the EU’s Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive, hexavalent chromium is not really used.
Suggested uses
?Problems that call for the two power and corrosion resistance
Multilevel parking facility, moving decks, cleansing lines and so forth. ?Situations exposed to rain or sea water
Machines set up outdoors, amusement machines
?Circumstances exposed to mild alkaline and mild acidic chemical agents, sea water or wastewater. Different chemical plants and water therapy plants.
Collection of chains
Double Guard Chain has an equivalent power to a conventional roller chain.
Connecting backlinks and offset links
R connecting hyperlinks are utilized for high-guard chains #60 or smaller and C connecting backlinks for #80 or greater, and OJ and 2POJ are used as offset backlinks.
Typical sprockets for high-guard chains can be made use of because the dimensions will be the exact same as normal roller chains.
Use stainless steel chains should the chains will come in direct get in touch with with foods.
Double Guard chain doesn’t possess a gloss like the nickel coated chain.
Unless of course not so specified by the buyer, chains are coated with grease and shipped. If probable, oil the spaces involving pins and bushes and bushes and rollers. Please use the encouraged lubrication oil for the servicing of the chain as oiling with grease can cause flexion failure.